Feeling Guilty
I'm sure if you're like me, you have felt guilt many times in your life. Perhaps you let someone down by not doing something you promised to do. Maybe you told a "little white lie" to cover up for something you did because you felt it wouldn't be acceptable to a spouse, family member, or friend. Maybe you just woke up late and decided you'd call in sick instead of telling the truth and possibly getting written up.
We have been programmed for years to believe that we must always tell the truth or else we will be guilty of telling a lie. So now that the lie has been told, we can live with guilt.
A wise man once said, "Feeling guilty doesn't help anything, feeling guilty would be perfect if it made things better, so there is never a reason to feel guilty." Yes, that is correct, feeling guilty doesn't help anything at all. In fact, feeling guilty is a very low vibration. When we have the feeling or vibration of guilt, we are vibrating at such a low level we can only expect more of the same to follow.
Perhaps the truth is found out, or maybe you just couldn't keep the secret any longer because of your 'guilty' feelings, and things escalate to a new level so low, you can't think of any way out of the situation, or any way to make things better. In fact, there is no way to make things better! Or so you think.
Wow, that's a pretty low vibe!
Instead of feeling guilty, try a Forgiveness Practice. It's really pretty easy once you do it a few times. The first step is to think before doing, or saying anything. If what you are thinking about doing or saying will turn out to be a mistake, (in the long or short run), try not doing it! However, if you are like most people and follow through on that "mistake," immediately do all that you can to make the situation right. If it's an apology that is needed, then apologize and mean it. If you didn't keep your word, start keeping your word immediately. If you are looking outside of your marriage for happiness, then start working on your marriage, and that means start working on yourself.
One of the first rules of finding happiness is, 'You are responsible for Your feelings!' It isn't anyone else's job to take care of your feelings because we all have the power of choice. We choose how we wish to feel at any given time, so it isn't up to someone else to make us feel happy. Take a few minutes every day and sit in a quiet space. Try to clear your mind and then say, "I forgive you, even if you can't forgive me. I forgive myself, even if you can't forgive me. I love you, even if you don't love me, I love myself, even if you can't love me." Repeat this as a mantra for as long as you want.
Words are powerful. Saying, I forgive you, even if no one is there will become a higher vibe as you continue to do it. Practicing this mantra will also change your actions. You will find that creating love, peace, and harmony in your home will become a priority for you, and over time it will begin to require little effort on your part.
You can choose to engage in things which cause disharmony in the home, and create a low vibration for yourself and those around you, or you can choose harmony and a high vibration will flow through you and around you. Choose wisely!