Tuesday, February 20, 2018

LOA Tip of the Week #7

What's your story?

Have you ever met someone for the first time, and it seems all they have to talk about is a woe is me story? I have met several of those individuals lately. Perhaps I need to be more specific when telling the universe what kind of people I want to meet, and maybe they are exactly the type of people I need to meet!

Being a LOA lifestyle coach brings those exact people into my bubble, because those are the people who need my help most. The problem arises when they don't want to let go of that story. They somehow have lost sight of a brighter today and tomorrow. They have convinced themselves that there is no better moment coming around the corner, regardless of what they think, say, or do. They are wrapped up in their story so tightly, that they don't realize they are receiving exactly what they are putting out.

Do you remember the basic rule of the Law of Attraction? What you put your time, energy, and focus on, is what you will receive! Hello, is anyone listening?

Let me remind you of a simple but important fact. Your life won't change if your story doesn't change. If you wake up every morning reciting your negative, woe is me, feel sorry for me, why me, how come this happened to me, I'm so good but now look where I'm at, I don't know why all these bad things keep happening, is this normal please tell me this isn't normal, my room is so dark I can't find the light switch, I must be a bad person because bad things keep happening, and on, and on, and on, then that's exactly what you will experience!

To change your story is to change your life! Wake up and first thing think of 3 to 10 things you are grateful for. It really isn't that hard, and make sure you think of different things don't keep repeating the same thing. I do this every day, and in all honesty I have an occasional day where I can't think of a single good thing to be grateful for. That's when I remind myself that I have the gift of vision, speech, hearing, touch, taste, smell, and all my extremities. I get to sleep in a bed, not on the street or in a car, and I have slept in my car! Yes, I have been homeless, so I can relate to that situation but I never lost hope, and I never thought it would be like that forever.

Be grateful for all the little things, because there is always a worse situation and since you are in control start doing some positive talk about your life and life situation. There is nothing we can't overcome. It's all in our hands and the power of our belief. You're not the overworked server you are abundant because you are receiving more tips so there is financial abundance. You're not the suffering person living in someone else's home, you are the blessed person with a bed to sleep in and should show gratitude to those who are helping you and for sure not be complaining about anything! You're not the failing business owner you are a successful business owner who is filling the needs and desires of others. You are not a loser, regardless of your past..past.. as in gone, unchangeable, let it go! You are the beautiful person everyone loves to be around. You are kind, and more than giving. You are always looking for ways to help others.

Change your story, and it will change your life!


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