Monday, January 29, 2018

LOA Tip Of The Week #4

Feeling Guilty

I'm sure if you're like me, you have felt guilt many times in your life. Perhaps you let someone down by not doing something you promised to do. Maybe you told a "little white lie" to cover up for something you did because you felt it wouldn't be acceptable to a spouse, family member, or friend. Maybe you just woke up late and decided you'd call in sick instead of telling the truth and possibly getting written up.

We have been programmed for years to believe that we must always tell the truth or else we will be guilty of telling a lie. So now that the lie has been told, we can live with guilt. 

A wise man once said, "Feeling guilty doesn't help anything, feeling guilty would be perfect if it made things better, so there is never a reason to feel guilty." Yes, that is correct, feeling guilty doesn't help anything at all. In fact, feeling guilty is a very low vibration. When we have the feeling or vibration of guilt, we are vibrating at such a low level we can only expect more of the same to follow. 

Perhaps the truth is found out, or maybe you just couldn't keep the secret any longer because of your 'guilty' feelings, and things escalate to a new level so low, you can't think of any way out of the situation, or any way to make things better. In fact, there is no way to make things better! Or so you think.

Wow, that's a pretty low vibe!

Instead of feeling guilty, try a Forgiveness Practice. It's really pretty easy once you do it a few times. The first step is to think before doing, or saying anything. If what you are thinking about doing or saying will turn out to be a mistake, (in the long or short run), try not doing it! However, if you are like most people and follow through on that "mistake," immediately do all that you can to make the situation right. If it's an apology that is needed, then apologize and mean it. If you didn't keep your word, start keeping your word immediately. If you are looking outside of your marriage for happiness, then start working on your marriage, and that means start working on yourself.

One of the first rules of finding happiness is, 'You are responsible for Your feelings!' It isn't anyone else's job to take care of your feelings because we all have the power of choice. We choose how we wish to feel at any given time, so it isn't up to someone else to make us feel happy. Take a few minutes every day and sit in a quiet space. Try to clear your mind and then say, "I forgive you, even if you can't forgive me. I forgive myself, even if you can't forgive me. I love you, even if you don't love me, I love myself, even if you can't love me." Repeat this as a mantra for as long as you want.

Words are powerful. Saying, I forgive you, even if no one is there will become a higher vibe as you continue to do it. Practicing this mantra will also change your actions. You will find that creating love, peace, and harmony in your home will become a priority for you, and over time it will begin to require little effort on your part. 

You can choose to engage in things which cause disharmony in the home, and create a low vibration for yourself and those around you, or you can choose harmony and a high vibration will flow through you and around you. Choose wisely!


Saturday, January 20, 2018

LOA Tip of the Week #3

Hello, and Welcome to my Law of Attraction Blog!
Today we are going to talk about allowing.
The third week of 2018 has come and gone, and what did it bring to you? For me, I manifested more money, two new clients, two new friends, another speaking engagement, and a lot of fun!
How did I do it? Well, I have been studying and using the LOA in my daily life for 5 years. That helps a lot when having desires and asking for them to manifest. Another thing that will help you in your journey is allowing.
What exactly is allowing? Allowing things to come to you requires that you release all doubt. Doubt can be a simple statement which follows your desire statement such as, I hope, We'll see, If I'm lucky, Maybe, I think it might, But, and so on. How many times have you asked for something and followed the request with a little doubt? Most of the time, people don't even realize they are doing it. A perfect example is something I was told today. A friend said he wanted to increase his work schedule by 4 hours each day so that he would be close to a 40 hour work week. That would qualify him for a raise. "I want to double my work schedule by May of 2018," he said. I replied that that sounded good and I was sure he would be able to do that, to which he said, "well, I don't know if I can, but I hope so."
Without even realizing it, he placed so much doubt on his desire statement, chances are slim that he will achieve his goal. By releasing doubt, and believing you can and will have that which you desire, the Universe is able to do its job, and bring to you those things you ask for. It is a process which requires some work on your part, and learning to make desire statements the right way. Remember the process? 
Your words = thoughts/feelings = vibrations = results. Whatever your vibes, they will be matched whether positive or negative, whether high or low. When you make a desire statement like my friend did, it's great to be as specific as possible and even place time limits on it. That shows you have a goal, however, once you put doubt on the end of that desire statement, your vibration drops down so low, the only thing the Universe is going to match is your lower vibration. It is the law. You get what you vibrate! Working through feelings of doubt sometimes takes time to master. Most of us are used to failing at things we try, and therefore we don't really believe we can have anything we want simply by asking for it.
Start slowly with this process, and remember that it is important to hear what you are saying. There is a lot more to learn about this, but by listening to your words, and keeping a high vibe you will be off to a great start! If you would like to learn more about the Law of Attraction, or my services, please contact me.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Law of Attraction tip for Week 2

Hello! I hope your new year is starting off great, and you are staying positive!
While sometimes that is easier said than done, it is possible. Aside from learning how to use the right words, that will create the best thoughts, which then send out the 'high vibes' you are feeling, that will get you the results you want, there are other ways you can incorporate the LOA to work in your favor. 
Lets look at a few of my days this past week. For starts, I had a little contrast in the beginning of my week. Out of habit, it is easy to blame others for my feelings, but knowing that taking responsibility for my experience is actually what needs to happen, I had to do some self reflection. It starts with my response to any situation. I can make any situation positive or negative simply by using the right or wrong words. I struggled for two days over the contrast, and then I said, "Universe, I want this conflict to end. I realize that I am contributing to the situation in a negative way. I want peace and love between me and ..."
What happened as a result was total peace and a healed relationship the next day! It doesn't take long to get what we want when we live a LOA lifestyle. I had to take responsibility for my actions, and change my attitude and words.
Remember that no one is responsible for your feelings but yourself! That is because we have the power of choice. We choose how to feel, it isn't anyone else who chooses our feelings for us. Regardless of what anyone says or does, we can choose to stay happy and aligned with our highest vibration. A perfect example is what happened tonight when I showed up for my bowling league.
I had barely sat down, and just started to change my shoes when a teammate said, "So tell me what you have against .....!" He was referring to several shared posts I had on my personal fb page. Now, I try to stay 'middle of the road' on most things, but every now and then I show negative emotions. I simply told him I didn't agree with him on a couple of issues and its okay. He poked a few more times and I refused to get upset or into a debate with him. Then he said, "and what is that stupid thing you're wearing on your head?" referring to a neck wrap I had worn as a headband to keep my ears warm. With temperatures at -10 I thought it was a good idea to cover my ears! I completely ignored his remark, and went about warming up for the game. As far as I was concerned he wasn't going to take me away from my happy place! When he saw I wasn't going to engage with him, he said, "I'm just trying to push your buttons!" Really? "Trying to push my buttons??"
Needless to say, when you come across a person who gets joy from upsetting you, at that point you have to ask yourself if you really need that type of person in your life. A huge part of feeling joy comes from releasing those things, and yes people are in that category, that no longer serve you. Then filling your life with things, people, and situations that match your higher vibration. I had the power to choose how I wanted to feel. I ignored his attempts to enter into a verbal conflict, and continued to stay positive and happy. He gave up. I like feeling good, and I choose to hold on to that feeling. The more I do it, the easier it becomes.
This will happen for you too, if you continue to stay positive, take responsibility for your situations when you should, and vibrate higher than those who are out to 'push your buttons!'

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Law of Attraction Weekly Tip

Ever have 'one of those days'? I had a couple of them this first week of the year. To start off, I had to deal with creating a website, and purchasing a domain or two! There is nothing like feeling completely lost, asking for help, and getting a customer service person who is having a bad day.
In this case, I had two choices. I could choose to reflect the bad attitude I was receiving, or I could use my knowledge of the Law of Attraction, and change the entire experience a positive one.
Needless to say I chose the second option. I could tell the person assisting me was feeling a bit agitated at my inability to understand what I was supposed to do, and what their services and products offered me. Before things could get out of hand I said to him, "I'm sorry but this is all new to me and it is really important that I get these services lined up for the success of my business. Could we work together on this?"
His tone changed immediately! He became another person. He was ready and willing to help me with full explanations of all features and the benefits of having specific services. I was delighted by this and told him that I appreciated his patience, and for people like me who sometimes are confused about things, people like him who were knowledgeable and helpful were truly wonderful!
The old saying "Kill them with kindness," isn't too far from the truth. When we are driven by our ego and not by our heart, we can say and do things that hurt others. Being humble is nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, it can be rewarding. One of the first lessons of the Law of Attraction is to change our words. Here is how it works.
Words becomeThoughts. Thoughts create Feelings (or Vibes), and Vibes are matched by the Universe because that is its job! Yes, it is the only job of the Universe. The Universe will match YOUR vibration whether positive or negative! Just think how badly my experience would have gone if I had chosen to reflect the negative energy I was receiving. I stayed upbeat, polite, professional, patient, and kind and in return I received that same kind of treatment.
Changing the words we use is the greatest tool we have. Always choose to think a moment before responding to any negative experience, and remember that you have the power to make any situation a positive experience simply by using the right words, which will send the right feeling, creating positive vibes, therefore returning the same to you!