Monday, January 15, 2018

Law of Attraction tip for Week 2

Hello! I hope your new year is starting off great, and you are staying positive!
While sometimes that is easier said than done, it is possible. Aside from learning how to use the right words, that will create the best thoughts, which then send out the 'high vibes' you are feeling, that will get you the results you want, there are other ways you can incorporate the LOA to work in your favor. 
Lets look at a few of my days this past week. For starts, I had a little contrast in the beginning of my week. Out of habit, it is easy to blame others for my feelings, but knowing that taking responsibility for my experience is actually what needs to happen, I had to do some self reflection. It starts with my response to any situation. I can make any situation positive or negative simply by using the right or wrong words. I struggled for two days over the contrast, and then I said, "Universe, I want this conflict to end. I realize that I am contributing to the situation in a negative way. I want peace and love between me and ..."
What happened as a result was total peace and a healed relationship the next day! It doesn't take long to get what we want when we live a LOA lifestyle. I had to take responsibility for my actions, and change my attitude and words.
Remember that no one is responsible for your feelings but yourself! That is because we have the power of choice. We choose how to feel, it isn't anyone else who chooses our feelings for us. Regardless of what anyone says or does, we can choose to stay happy and aligned with our highest vibration. A perfect example is what happened tonight when I showed up for my bowling league.
I had barely sat down, and just started to change my shoes when a teammate said, "So tell me what you have against .....!" He was referring to several shared posts I had on my personal fb page. Now, I try to stay 'middle of the road' on most things, but every now and then I show negative emotions. I simply told him I didn't agree with him on a couple of issues and its okay. He poked a few more times and I refused to get upset or into a debate with him. Then he said, "and what is that stupid thing you're wearing on your head?" referring to a neck wrap I had worn as a headband to keep my ears warm. With temperatures at -10 I thought it was a good idea to cover my ears! I completely ignored his remark, and went about warming up for the game. As far as I was concerned he wasn't going to take me away from my happy place! When he saw I wasn't going to engage with him, he said, "I'm just trying to push your buttons!" Really? "Trying to push my buttons??"
Needless to say, when you come across a person who gets joy from upsetting you, at that point you have to ask yourself if you really need that type of person in your life. A huge part of feeling joy comes from releasing those things, and yes people are in that category, that no longer serve you. Then filling your life with things, people, and situations that match your higher vibration. I had the power to choose how I wanted to feel. I ignored his attempts to enter into a verbal conflict, and continued to stay positive and happy. He gave up. I like feeling good, and I choose to hold on to that feeling. The more I do it, the easier it becomes.
This will happen for you too, if you continue to stay positive, take responsibility for your situations when you should, and vibrate higher than those who are out to 'push your buttons!'

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